Mastermind group for leaders

Leaders inspiring peers and challenging each others status quo thinking

supported by an Accredited Organisational Supervisor

WHY would you join a mastermind group?

A mastermind group will provide you with the boost, the energy to bring your business or project to the next level.

Wanting to tap into collective intelligence? The mastermind group offers you this opportunity to look at your business or projects from an outside view. 

Too many entrepreneurs are on their own, finding out what has been experienced by others.  In a mastermind group, members  can be brutally honest with each other, challenging each other on blind spots. 

Besides the useful mirrors and the wonderful business ideas you will gain, you will extend your network with trusful colleagues!


Mastermind group for leaders
Mastermind for leaders group

WHAT is a Mastermind Group for leaders?

Typically, it is an exclusive group of (executive or mid level) leaders meeting regularly. Members share their dreams and discover their common goals. They lean on each other, provide feedback and inspire each other. They appeal to each other’s responsibility for the decisions to be made. We could also describe it as peer-peer mentoring. By meeting regularly, the members of the mastermind group grow into a bond of friendship. 

Mastermind groups meet face-face, sometimes combined with on-line meetings and with a ‘retrait’ in which they spend reflective time together, facilitated by a trained supervisor. 

HOW does a mastermind group for leaders work?

Mastermind groups are planned on a regular basis: minimum monthly. Could be face-face or online and usually a combination of both, usually including a 2-day retrait.

The global approach of a mastermind session is as follows:
After a check-in about the wins of the last period, one person of the group will put him/herself on a “hot seat”. S/he will describe a challenge, a problem, a dillema with what s/he is currently confronted with.  The group will reflect together, share observations, and pose reflective questions.  Each session is closed by sharing the goals that each person sets out for the following period. 

A succesful mastermind group, requires a trained process facilitator, looking after the process steps, timing, limiting patterns in group dynamics, the quality of collaboration and being a ‘co-guard’ of the purpose and focus of the mastermind group.
Are you looking for a trainers mastermind facilitator or for a group to join? Please let us know your interest and we might invite you for a next mastermind group for leaders!

Mastermind for leaders

Tell us ... if you are interested in joining a Mastermind Group for leaders!
Tell us ... if you look for a Qualified Mastermind group facilitator

On a regular basis, a new group of leaders starts up.
Let us know your interest and we’ll keep you informed!